JACKSON and the Dragon's Lair
Jackson and Olivia wake a grumpy dragon deep in the Unnamed Mountains.
Jackson tells a story as it unfolds in his imagination. The adventure becomes more and more real with each thought. As Jackson discovers the entrance to a mysterious cave, Olivia is drawn in and begins to shape the telling of the story. When Olivia asks about the way to the dragon’s lair, their treasure hunt becomes a dragon hunt. Jackson must find a way to conquer his fear before he can face the dragon and find the real treasure, friendship.
Paperback Comedian
A sci-fi romance about finding a way through midlife crisis.
At thirty-nine, Sam feels trapped in an ordinary life. When a friend kicks him out, he stumbles into an unbelievable relationship. Feeling unworthy, he flees the country to retrace his steps, rediscover his birthplace and reinvent himself.
Adam's Journal
"The world is full of unmet friends,” Adam writes in his new journal soon after he turns sixteen. He’s a runner and an introvert who has spent most of the last four years running and reading. Running made him stronger and more self-confident; reading taught him all he knows about the opposite sex: women are fascinating and often unobtainable. Until....

E. C. Flickinger
"Our most precious gifts are the friends and family who share our journey. So keep your chin up and remember the world is full of unmet friends."