Adam's Journal, a coming-of-age novel for teenagers and adults who survived those wondrous years.

Copyright © 2016 E. C. Flickinger


Q: What makes Adam’s Journal a coming-of-age tale?

A: Adam has a dream to make a difference, to be somebody. And while Eve may have been hot, Adam doesn’t get to live out his days with her. Life is tough with all the expectations and all the shit that you just don’t get until it happens to you. Kids are cruel. Love isn’t always really love. Life throws you curve balls and expects you to show up on time even for an eight o’clock class.


Q (Sam): Tell me again why we’re here?

A (Adam): Grackle suggested we post some insider’s content on our website. We decided on a continuation of the Q&A started in Adam’s Journal.


Q (derisively): So fiction doesn’t usually rely on Q&A content. Have you considered something more traditional—like say, I don’t know, a plot?

A (Adam): Poetry is a slice of life; it doesn’t conform to expectations—

A (Sam, irritated): Shit. You don’t know anything about us. Have you even read our book? Research is a reasonable prerequisite, you know, like before you do an interview.

A (Adam): Sam, technically it’s my journal. I’m the author—you’re the sidekick.

A (Sam): Look, think of me as your subconscious: I’m the light-speed, deep thinker who invents the clever solution that finally and suddenly dawns in your conscious mind when you’re in the shower. I’m your muse. You’d be a mess without me.


Q (Adam): I’d be a mess without showers, but you’re not my inspiration. And aren’t muses typically personified as women?

A (Sam): Remember you are the guy dripping in the shower; I’m the brains in this partnership.


Q: OK, gentlemen, remember this is web interview, so keep it clean. Got it?

A (Adam): Nice save at the end with asking a question and all.

A (Sam): This would be a better Q&A if you asked better questions.


Q (Sam): So why don’t we let Adam ask the questions?

A (Interviewer): No, my editor wants this one in the next edition.


Q (Adam): I like asking questions; don’t I? See, I just—

A (Sam): Okay, majority rules. Thank you for your time, kind interviewer person, you.


Q (Interviewer): Seriously, let’s stick to the script. I have a deadline.

A (Sam, occasionally hiccuping): Sorry, incorrect—you didn’t phrase your response in the form of a question.


Q (Adam): Sam, were you pretending to be drunk again? You tricked everyone with that routine in college, but I’m not sure it plays in this millennium.

A (Sam): I tricked everyone, except for Chuck and Wendy. We just didn’t have the money for alcohol—but drama, drama is cheap for teenagers.

A (Adam, scoldingly): You really shouldn’t imply that teenagers drink alcohol.


Q (Interviewer): You guys don’t have a clue, do you?

A (Sam): You expected fine wine; we’re more beer kind of guys.


Q: So, Sam, did you ever brew beer, you know, yourself, rather than buy it?

A: Why yes, Adam, I especially like the German yeast with a sweet, but subtle banana aroma.


Q (excited): Oh, I like that too! Can I tell you a story about bananas?

A (peering out the window): I wonder if that interviewer is still in the parking lot….

A (Adam, whispering): Adam’s Journal: The Breaths Between Kisses.